Abdomen & Flanksline1line2

Kill the Muffin Top. You’ve worked hard to be able to rock those skinny jeans. And then you realize you still have deposits of fat around your waist and abdomen. It’s the dreaded muffin top – a roll of fat that is visible when you wear tight-fitting clothes. Aging, stress, diet and hormone changes are all triggers for increased fat storage in our mid section area. Don’t be discouraged! Belly fat is visceral fat, and it lies beneath your abdominal wall. It’s tremendously stubborn, and even for those that have lost all their weight, this belly fat remains. To get rid of it, you have to do enlist the help of laser technology and a board-certified MD to help you win this battle. With innovation in science and technology, we now have tools to help us win the war against fat. No incisions, no down-time and within 25 minutes you can get rid of the struggle that has resisted your best efforts.

CLC Beauty RX is one of the elite medical aesthetics providers to introduce the SculpSure body sculpting and contouring innovations cleared by the FDA for real fat reduction. The laser is state of the art, non-invasive fat removal, and a fat killer. Using diode laser technology, SculpSure obliterates the fat under the skin. The laser energy is transmitted through the skin and then absorbed by the fatty tissue which is the main target. In doing so, the energy is absorbed by the visceral, fatty layer by heat which in turn destroys the fat cells. SculpSure works by causing fat cells to die from exposure to the laser energy that creates heat. If your abs and flanks have a moderate layer of excess fat, SculpSure works well to eliminate those fat pockets.

According to our MD, Dr. Fairweather, the SculpSure laser is “really a true innovation for those not wanting to go under general anesthesia or scalpel to reduce fat in the abs and love handles. We typically see a 20 to 25% fat reduction within the first 12 weeks, causing permanent damage to the fat cell” Dr. Fairweather recognizes that everyone has pockets of stubborn fat and clients are searching for treatments that are safe, non-invasive and permanently kills fat. At CLC Beauty RX, Dr. Fairweather offers SculpSure laser technology to destroy the muffin top.

How It Works
“The SculpSure™ device is a laser. The laser light is honed on the skin for approximately 25 minutes, stimulating the fat cells. During this time the laser light heats the underlying fat and initiates a process that leads to the loss of fat cells. Results become visible over the next 2 to 3 months.

To maintain symmetry, most patients will have their right and left sides treated on the same day. One of the many advantages of the SculpSure™ procedure is that the two sides can be treated simultaneously and the entire treatment completed in approximately 25 minutes. Patients may do whatever they wish during this time, including reading, working with their electronic devices, or listening to music.

“The SculpSure™ treatment *results in a reduction of fat in the treated areas. Results look quite natural, and patients can achieve results without any downtime and surgery without.

The treatment is extremely safe. Patients are able to resume their activities immediately after leaving the office, including returning to work and exercise programs. If desired, the treatment can also be *repeated in 2-3 months to enhance the result further”

Why Choose SculpSure™?
“If you have stubborn areas of fat that you can’t get rid of, SculpSure™ is the revolutionary treatment that you’ve been waiting for. In addition to its FDA-approval for safety and effectiveness, it also requires only one treatment in most cases to see results, whereas several other fat reduction techniques require multiple treatments. You don’t have to fear any pain or discomfort, and you can return to work and all other activities right after your SculpSure™session.”

Take the first step in reshaping your look today with a one-time treatment that lasts.

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