Laser Hair Removal-Face

Remove Unwanted Hair and say Good-bye to Razors, Tweezers, Waxing & Creams


Eliminate the Shaving, Trimming, Tweezing Hassles and Embrace Laser Hair Removal for Menline1line2

Are you tired of tweezing, waxing, and shaving your unwanted hair? Traditional hair removal routines can be tedious, painful, expensive, and time consuming. Here CLC Beauty RX, we offer you another option: treatment with the Elite MPX™ laser. The real beauty of laser hair removal is that it gives you a permanent solution while saving you time and money. Laser hair removal is a proven, safe, and effective treatment. In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, laser hair removal is the 3rd most performed non-surgical cosmetic treatment in the US . Better yet, it can remove unwanted hair from all areas of the body and in all skin types.

Free yourself from the constant need to shave and wax unwanted facial and body hair in order to look and feel your best. Laser technology has brought us a better way, a safe, long-lasting way to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body, leaving the skin feeling smooth and looking great. We can help you get at the root of the problem with our stateof-the-art Elite MPX™ laser system. Laser hair removal gives you an efficient, permanent hair reduction anywhere on your body that you have unwanted hair. Whether it’s your face, legs, back, or bikini line, you can have the results you want.

At CLC Beauty RX, we can help you get to the root of the problem in no time. Treatments are quick and easy letting you get back to your everyday activities. Hair removal with laser hair reduction provides quick and virtually painless treatment sessions with lasting results. Schedule your consultation today at CLC Beauty RX!

Trust Your MD for Laser Hair Removal

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A. How Your Hair Grows

Hair grows from deep within hair follicles, which are thin cavities embedded in the skin. Hair does not grow continuously, but grows in a three-phase cycle.

    1. Anagen Phase. This phase is where the hair actively grows. The Anagen phase typically lasts for several months and is the best phase for Laser Hair Removal.
    2. Catagen Phase. During this brief phase, the hair bulb regresses and begins to shrink.
    3. Telogen Phase. The final phase is a resting phase which lasts a few months. During the Telogen phase, the hair is released from the follicle. After the resting phase is complete, the hair will restart the cycle from the Anagen or growth phase.

While the rate at which hair grows differs by individual, the length of the hair growth cycle usually depends on the type of hair and area of the body. For example, the active growth phase of the hair on your head may last several years, while the hair on the body has an active growth phase that may last only a few months.

B. How Laser Hair Removal Works line1line2

During laser hair removal procedures, a laser device emits light energy that travels through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and hair shaft. Pigments are the substances that give skin and hair its color (also known as melanin). The energy absorbed damages the pigmented hair follicle, which impairs its ability to grow. Hair follicles that are in the anagen, or active growth phase, have more pigment and absorb more energy, and typically respond the best to treatments. For this reason, it typically takes multiple treatments to achieve the best results – it’s important to “catch” your hair in this active growth phase when you are receiving treatments.

C. Technology We Use line1line2

There are many devices for laser hair removal However, we use the best of laser technology, the Cynosure® Elite MPX™. The Elite MPX™ uses two proven laser wavelengths that provide treatments for patients with all skin types. Treatments with this system are fast, effective, comfortable, and safe.

    • Fast. With spot sizes up to 24mm, the Elite MPX™ laser provides fast treatments, allowing you to resume your normal activities as quickly as possible. These larger sized spots make for quick treatments of larger areas such as the back, legs, or chest. Smaller spot sizes are used for smaller areas, such as the upper lip.
    • Effective. The Elite MPX™ contains two different types of laser wavelengths that provide effective treatments for patients with all skin types. One of the lasers is better for lighter skinned patients, and the other is better for darker skinned patients. also, the Elite MPX™ uses an advanced, exclusive technology called “Multiplexing.” Multiplexing mixes the two lasers , allowing us to tailor the treatments exactly to your particular skin and hair type for outstanding results.
    • Comfortable. In addition to providing effective treatments, Multiplexing also results in less painful treatments. This is supplemented by a built in air cooling system to provide continuous skin cooling during treatment making it an extremely tolerable experience.
    • Safe. The Elite MPX™ system has been in clinical use for many years and has been proven safe in many clinical publications. Baer, N. Blending wavelengths for hair removal results in less pain in darker skin types.

D. What To Expect On The Day Of Treatment line1line2

Before your procedure you should make sure the area to be treated is freshly shaven. This will allow for effective energy delivery of the laser device to your hair follicles, thus providing a more effective treatment. During the treatment, the laser specialist will guide the device over the treatment area. As he or she does, it will deliver light energy, which travels through your skin and is absorbed by the hair follicles. You will feel cold air blowing throughout the treatment for added comfort. You will also hear a slight beep as the laser delivers this energy into your skin. It is normal to feel a slight snapping like a rubber band as the energy is being delivered.

The hair follicles that absorb energy from the laser will be damaged. Hairs that were present in the follicles at the time of treatment will fall out over the next couple of weeks and future hair growth will be impaired. Since not all hairs are actively growing at the same time multiple treatments are required for optimal results. As the follicles in the transitional and resting periods return to the active growth phase, you may notice some hair regrowth but not as thick as it was before the treatment. This regrowth will become thinner and lighter with each subsequent treatment until there is little, to no hair at all

LHR Face Overviewline1line2

Laser Hair Removal – Remove Unwanted Facial Hair

Daily shaving on the face can be irritating, and it’s never permanent.  The skin on our face is extremely sensitive, and daily shaving takes a toll on the face with razor burns that can take hours of discomfort, a red face, or an irritating rash with infected blisters and pimples that can last days.  If you guys are done with the hassles of shaving, it’s time to move on to laser hair removal.

Under the guidance of our board certified MD, CLC  Beauty, our MD can help the guys effectively control and eliminated unwanted facial fair. Here at CLC Beauty RX, we can offer you another option: treatment with the Elite MPX™ laser. The true beauty of laser hair removal is that it offers you a permanent solution while saving you time and money. Laser hair removal is a proven, safe, and effective treatment. In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, laser hair removal is the 3rd most performed non-surgical cosmetic treatment in the US . Better yet, it can remove unwanted hair from all areas of the body and in all skin types.

Laser hair removal uses a laser light energy to gently remove unwanted hair and put an end to the hassles of constant shaving and waxing.  During your hair removal process, the laser light passes over an area of skin to treat your hair follicles.  With laser hair removal you can get the smooth skin you’ve always wanted. All you need is a few simple treatments to get lasting results. The secret lies in the technology that targets and destroys hair cells responsible for hair growth without harming the surrounding skin. This treatment is fast, easy and practically pain-free.

Discover how simple hair removal can be and get a few days back. Hair removal at CLC Beauty RX.  Treat your full face, upper lip, chink scalp and anywhere else you have unwanted hair.  It’s quick and virtually painless treatment with lasting results.  Call CLC Beauty RX to schedule your consultation today.