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Chest Liposuction. Man boobs or moobs are real. The latest statistics show that about 50% of the guys – even teenagers – struggle with enlarged breasts. Man boobs do interfere with the quality of life for the guys and have a huge psychological impact. Age, weight gain, hormones and medications can all have an impact. If you are already incorporating healthy eating and fitness into weight management but still struggle with stubborn fat deposits, laser liposuction might be a good fit for you. Liposuction of the male chest area is a commonly requested procedure that is successfully handled with laser liposuction. With laser liposuction, the goal of removing the excess chest fat is straightforward as it removes – removes as much fat as possible from the male chest area while avoiding any damage to the skin or muscle.

Advances in laser liposuction technology allow our MD to easily melt fat away and tighten the skin for advanced results. At CLC Beauty RX, we work with our clients to take inventory of your health, lifestyle and aesthetic goals. Our MD at CLC Beauty RX recommends laser liposuction to remove fat from your body and sculpt the problem area away. For patients looking to reduce fat that has accumulated in their upper arms, laser liposuction provides dramatic and effective results.

According to Dr. Fairweather, “fatty deposits or bulges on the back respond well to liposuction in the body and is very effective at removing these deposits. Our patients see noticeable differences right away and continue to see results for several months after.”

With every laser liposuction procedure at CLC Beauty RX, Dr. Fairweather considers all health factors for each patient including skin elasticity, body composition and fat deposits and recovery timeframes.  Each treatment plan is personalized and 100% customized for each patient.

SmartLipo Triplex is the next generation approach to minimally-invasive liposuction.  Using concentrated and precision laser technology, SmartLipo can discreetly target and treat areas of unwanted fat.

  • Voted #1 by Body Contouring Brand and the treatment patients ask for by name
  • #1 Searched laser lipolysis on google the last 3 years
  • Featured in over hundreds of media outlets
  • 94% Patient Satisfaction Rating
  • Clinically proven with over 10 years of data
  • One treatment with minimal downtime

Take the first step in reshaping your look today with a one-time treatment that lasts.


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