Do You Feel Unattractive Because of Discolored Veins or Spider Veins?

Spider veins are unattractive to our trendy abilities making us feel less confident in wearing skin-bared types of outfits. Spider veins are small, twisted blood vessels that are visible through the skin. They can be red, purple, or blue and appear in our legs, face, hands and chest. You can blame them on weight gain, hormones, genetics or lifestyle challenges. All these factors have in a way contributed to the effect on the valves in our veins causing the veins and causes the veins to become swollen and twisted at the surface of the skin. Although you may feel like you are the only person in the world that has to deal with spider veins, more than 50% of women struggle with leg veins. For those suffering from leg veins, our MD at Beauty RX can help you navigate a personalized treatment plan to treat leg veins.

As Dr. Fairweather shares, “leg veins are practically a rite of passage. As we age, fluctuate in our weight, have changes in our hormones, women will see changes in their leg veins. Healthy veins carry blood to the heart through a series of values but as we age, the veins can weaken and as a result tend to swell, twist and bulge. That’s when you see the spider like vein. Spider veins can be more of an eyesore – the inflamed veins can be tender or itchy or get swollen. As an MD, I recommend laser therapy. Laser therapy is excellent at destroying spider veins with heat baring any invasive scalpel or puncture marks on the skin. Most people love the results with laser vein therapy.”

An effective way to treating discolored, superficial leg veins is through lasers. With the Elite MPX laser, the laser uses a broad band of pulsed light to target leg veins located on the skin surface. The discolored leg veins absorb the laser heat and are essentially destroyed. The light pulses produced by the laser is similar to the feeling of flicking a rubber elastic band which is utterly not uncomfortable for most people. Depending on the size and area, multiple treatments are usually needed to achieve results. Laser treatments for leg veins are quick, safe and non-invasive.

Benefits of Laser Rejuvenation for Leg Veins :

  • Larger areas can be treated without sclerotherapy or vein stripping
  • Works on small blood vessels that are difficult to treat with sclerotherapy
  • Speed, comfort and long lasting results
  • Works on any part of the body with blood vessels
  • Improved sin texture and tone
  • Clinical results
  • Safe for most skin types
  • Non-surgical with no scars and incisions – no bruises, scare, bandages or support stocking needed
  • Sunscreen and makeup can be applied immediately after treatment