Smart Liposuction

Banish Your Trouble Spots & Achieve a Leaner and More Toned Body


Excess fat can be problematicline1line2

Everyone struggles with at least some stubborn body fat and it’s this stubborn area of fat that stops you from having the muscle definition you.  At CLC Beauty RX, we empathize with our clients and offer our clients the latest generation of laser liposuction to remove the fat with the benefits of skin tightening.

According to Dr. Fairweatherline1line2

Our MD at CLC Beauty RX “a lot of people, no matter how healthy they eat or how fit they are, have pockets of fat on their body that are resistant to any tortuous workouts, magic pills or creams. The science of the matter is that these kinds of fat pockets need a medical intervention with technology to address. And with SmartLipo Triplex™, we can help our patients remove the fat pockets and gain their confidence.”

As a highly esteemed surgeon in Clear Lake, Dr. Fairweather recommends laser-assisted liposuction technology to effectively target and eliminate fat cells in the hips, abdomen, back, thighs and other hard-to-reach areas.

Smartlipo Benefitsline1line2

What is SmartLipo Triplex™? line1line2

Body contouring and lipo-sculpture are growing in popularity with liposuction being one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today. SmartLipo Triplex™ is the newest, most advanced form of liposuction used in plastic surgery today. As the least invasive form of liposuction, patients can be in and out in a single appointment, and even return to work the next day with minimal swelling, bleeding, and bruising.

Using a tiny 1 millimeter cannula, much smaller than the one used in standard liposuction procedures, a laser fiber is inserted beneath the skin and swept through the area containing fat cells. When the laser energy is applied to the cells, the cells burst, and the resulting fat is passed out of the body or suctioned out. The laser also tightens the skin by inducing collagen production to coagulate tissue. This latest liposuction innovation makes the fat easier to move and results in a faster recovery time for patients.

Have you tried to expel your trouble spots of fat with special diets, tortuous workouts, and countless creams that promise magic, but deliver less-than-stellar results? Now you can stop the search for a more efficient way to treat those bothersome areas of fat! Our new Smartlipo laser treatment will give you a healthier and more youthful shape by smoothing out your contours and skin, in just one simple treatment. Now you can do something about those trouble spots, with lasting results, from a SmartLipo Triplex ™ treatment.  Ask us today about scheduling a consultation to find out how!

The Smartlipo Triplex™ Benefits

SmartLipo Triplex ™ uses three different wavelengths to deliver quick and accurate results for both small and large areas of fatty tissue. It’s an advanced, high-powered laser technology that is ideal for patients who are at a healthy, average body weight with stubborn, yet concentrated areas of fat that have not responded to diet and exercise. It can be performed in many areas of the body, including the neck, abdomen, back, thighs, arms, calves, and ankles.

Compared to traditional liposuction, SmartLipo Triplex ™ is the least invasive and involves lower risks for complications.  Our patients see immediate results but the final results will take four to six weeks.  Dr. Fairweather consistently provides excellent results for patients looking to improve the contours of their body with SmartLipo.  He highly recommends SmartLipo for the following benefit:

SmartLipo Benefitsline1line2

Controlled & Precise. Fat reduction at an exact site for a more precise tissue retraction and coagulation that results in a smoother, tighter skin

Less Discomfort & Fast Recovery. Minimal discomfort and mild anesthesia to ease any form of pain. Less bruising and bleeding given localized treatment area.

Dramatically Define Contours on the Body. Faster procedure and recovery time with the laser probes that precisely removes fat tissues which appears natural.

Safety & Effective Results. Increased safety present for patients with the minimally-invasive nature of laser lipo. This innovation combines laser technology to reduce the risk of infection while effectively removing fat cells

Fat Reduction & Skin Tightening. The laser precisely melts the fat while tightening the skin at the same time so that issues with skin laxity are addressed.

Learn More and Schedule a Consultation Today!

To see if SmartLipo is a fit for you, Dr. Fairweather will meet with you to complete an initial consultation.  We will review your physical health, medical history and cosmetic goals.  This consultation is very personalized and focused on meeting your aesthetic, financial and timing capabilities. Contact our office to schedule your consultation and do something today about your trouble spots!

Have you tried to banish your troubled spots of fat with special diets.?

Smartlipo FAQ

How much does the treatment cost?

Smartlipo Triplex is a very precise and individualized treatment. Without an in-person consultation and a complete evaluation of the areas to be treated, it is inappropriate to attempt to provide an accurate estimate over the phone. The physician really needs to see the prospective patient first to provide an accurate quote.

What is Smartlipo?

Smartlipo is a medical device designed exclusively to perform laser-assisted lipolysis, commonly referred to as laser liposuction. A very thin tube containing the Smartlipo laser fiber is inserted in targeted fatty areas through a small incision. The laser fiber delivers thermal energy directly to fat cells and disrupts the fatty tissue for easy removal. The laser literally melts the fat, which is removed with gentle suction. At the same time, tissue around the area tightens through coagulation, contributing to a smoother shape overall.

How do I know if Smartlipo is right for me?

The best candidates for Smartlipo are women and men who are not significantly overweight but have accumulated fat deposits such as love handles, flabby upper arms, excess neck or facial fat, or fat on the lower torso. A consultation with a Smartlipo physician can provide you with the best information.

Is Smartlipo safe?

Smartlipo is the most widely used and extensively studied, used and validated laser-assisted liposuction or lipolysis system available today. It was the first laser introduced for this purpose. With a decade of studies, Smartlipo has been shown to involve less pain, less bruising and swelling, and provide a faster recovery time than traditional liposuction.

What does the procedure feel like?

Because the area is anesthetized, there is minimal discomfort during the procedure. You may feel a light pressure but it is a mild sensation. Following Smartlipo, you may experience some aches, much like after a physical workout. A compression garment may be worn for a short period after treatment, depending on the body area treated and the recommendation of your physician.

How long does the procedure take?

On average, the procedure will usually take 2-4 hours as Dr. Fairweather believes in doing a thorough job. If someone tells you that it only takes 1.5 – 2 hours, he/she might be talking about a very small size of the area.  The length of time is dependent on the number of areas to be treated and the size of the areas.

Do I have to stay in the hospital?

No. Smartlipo is an in-office procedure performed under local anesthesia.

How many treatments are necessary?

For most patients, results are achieved in just one Smartlipo treatment. Results can be seen within a week, with continued improvement over three to six months.

How long do the results last?

Smartlipo permanently destroys fat cells in the treated area. However, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to enjoy long-lasting results.

Will there be scarring?

The incision site will be very small. With proper care, any scars will be barely noticeable. Your physician is best to evaluate your skin type and provide you information.

What is the recovery time?

Laser body sculpting is a minimally invasive procedure which usually requires only local anesthesia. Some light bruising can occur, but you’ll be able to return to normal activities within a day or two.